Q: What do you do at Grace Restoration Home?
A: Provide Christ centered instruction, prayer ministry, edification and encouragement to the hurting with the intent of promoting restoration to Christ and their family. As of now, we minister to anyone who the Lord brings to us that is in need of healing. The healing needed can be anything from anxiety to habitual sin and addiction. We have a few prayer ministers who are trained and ministering in private homes and churches locally.

We are in the process of praying for property that would provide space for the non-residential ministry and also for a live in, residential, program for hurting high school age young women and men.

Q: How many sessions does someone need in order to be free of their issue?
A: The number of sessions required is different for each individual. Each person’s life experience is different, as is their knowledge of Jesus and His Word. In the sessions, we lean on Jesus to lead us through the traumas of a persons life, highlighting the people that need to be forgiven and the lies that need to be replaced with Biblical truth.

Q: What is the cost of a ministry session?
A: The ministry is currently operating on donations only. Each client gives as the Lord leads.

Q: Where is Grace Restoration Home located?
A: At this time we do not have a location for the ministry. We are ministering in homes and local churches. We are in the process of praying over a picturesque manor in the Ramapo mountains of northern New Jersey.

Q: How are clients referred?
A: Word of mouth

Q: Once property is acquired, will all the young adults being ministered to by GRH be required to participate in the residential program or will there be the option for an outpatient program?
A: The young adult will have a choice of residential or non-residential prayer ministry, which will depend on her/his circumstances.

Q: How long will the young adult stay in the residential program?
A: It is a one-year commitment. Stays may be shorten based on young adult’s progress and agreement between the parent/legal guardian and the Grace Restoration Home Director.

Q: Will there be an associated cost for the residential program?
A: Cost will be determined once a residence is acquired. Our desire is to be funded solely by donation, releasing the family of the young adult from the burden of carrying the cost. It is the vision of this ministry to care for the parents, as well as the child, and not add to the burden parents are carrying in caring for a child in distress.

Q: How is it funded?
A: Grace Restoration Home is funded through private donations from individuals, churches, corporations and foundations.

Q: How is funding being managed?
A: Grace Restoration Home is non-profit status.

Q: To whom is the home financially accountable?
A: To the Board of Directors

Q: Is there a church committed to the Grace Restoration Home and if so which one?
A: We are non-denominational and work with all local churches.